
Students from across the University are being honored for their extraordinary contributions to 可持续性 initiatives

图片来自曾品轩的《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》艺术项目. 参加者收集海洋垃圾, 记录它, 并将他们的发现变成了艺术明信片. 曾获约翰·罗可持续发展影响奖.


宾州大学公园. — Penn State 可持续性 has announced the 2024 recipients of its 可持续性 awards. 这些荣誉, 包括约翰·罗伊可持续发展影响奖, 学生可持续发展顾问委员会树木奖, 和 the 宾西法尼亚 Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC) Campus 可持续性 Champion Award, commend the extraordinary contributions of students in spearheading 可持续性 initiatives.


为了纪念已故的数学教授约翰·罗伊而命名, these awards recognize students demonstrating significant commitment to environmental 和 social 可持续性. 2024年的获奖者包括 詹娜·塞格沃斯、菲利普·迪乌夫、奥利维亚·迪普林齐奥、哈曼·辛格和曾品轩,每人获得由Dr. 约翰·罗伊公正和可持续未来基金. 他们的倡议涉及粮食安全, 倡导可持续发展, 课程开发, 以及可持续发展与艺术的结合, 这标志着推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜取得了广泛的成就. 

  • 詹娜Seigworth, 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜贝伦德分校的本科生, has made a remarkable impact through her leadership in campus 和 community food access initiatives. Her efforts have appreciably benefited projects aimed at addressing inequities 和 promoting inclusion. Seigworth's leadership extends into the Student Garden Club 和 as a Behrend 可持续性 Ambassador, where she has been instrumental in planning 和 designing the campus’ forthcoming 可持续性 Store, 展示了她将可持续发展融入校园生活的综合方法. 阅读更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新闻报道.

  • 菲利普·迪乌夫, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校的一名本科生, 他在校园可持续发展方面的积极参与引人注目, 特别强调心理健康. Diouf has inspired his peers towards substantial actionable change by merging 可持续性 with mental well-being. 他的领导角色, particularly in organizing initiatives with 辅导及心理服务 和 the 可持续性 Council, reflect a holistic approach to 可持续性 that acknowledges the interconnectedness of environmental stewardship 和 mental health. 阅读更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新闻报道.

  • 奥利维亚DiPrinzio, 大学公园的一名本科生, 是否将可持续性无缝整合到学术课程中, 进行广泛的 对《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》研究的贡献. Her role as a climate science 和 education intern has been pivotal in developing initiatives to help transform Penn State’s approach to 可持续性 education, positioning her as a key figure in fostering a culture of responsible consumption 和 proactive climate action across the University. 阅读更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新闻报道.

  • 辛格哈尔曼, 大学公园的研究生, has distinguished herself through her leadership in environmental restoration projects 和 as chair of the Earth 和 Mineral Sciences 可持续性 Council Student Committee. Singh's dedication to 可持续性 is evident in her successful tree-planting initiatives 和 the innovative "Dodge the Dumpster" campaign, 这大大减少了浪费. 她努力加强可持续发展教育和宣传, 特别是通过组织推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜水资源会议, 展示了她致力于让推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜成为可持续发展领域的领导者. 阅读更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新闻报道.

  • Pin-Hsuan曾, 大学公园的研究生, 是否创造性地将艺术教育与环保倡导相结合, 为可持续发展提供独特的视角. Through initiatives like the Public Art Diary-Dialogue 社区 和 the Marine Debris Encyclopedia project, Tseng has used art as a medium to foster global environmental consciousness 和 cultural underst和ing. Her projects not only enhance artistic skills but also contribute to a broader societal appreciation of the intricate relationship between human activity, 环境与社会. 阅读更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜新闻报道.


2024年学生可持续发展咨询委员会树奖庆祝 Vancie孔雀 表彰她对大学公园可持续发展的卓越领导, 特别是通过施赖尔口袋花园这样的项目, 哪些国家显著提高了粮食安全. Peacock's work, highlighted by her role with the Student Farm Club 和 as an intern at the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross学生农场, has been instrumental in advancing sustainable agricultural practices 和 nurturing a more sustainable campus community. A tree will be planted in her honor as a lasting symbol of her commitment 和 influence, 她会得到1美元,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可持续发展奖.

宾西法尼亚 Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC) Campus 可持续性 Champion Award 

The PERC Award celebrates contributions to 可持续性 by Penn State community members. 今年的获奖者, 索菲娅沼泽, Caden Vitti雅各西勒, 在可持续发展方面表现出卓越的领导力, ranging from enhancing campus greenhouses 和 environmental organizations to advocating for climate action 和 可持续性 education. 

  • 索菲娅沼泽, 大学公园的一名本科生 majoring in plant sciences 和 可持续性 leadership, 在促进宾州州立大学可持续发展方面表现出色. 通过她在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜温室的工作, 主演《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》系列电影, 组织生态企业倡议, 并担任外展可持续发展委员会成员, 她在促进校园环境意识和行动方面取得了重大进展. 

  • Caden Vitti, 大学公园的一名本科生, has demonstrated remarkable leadership in 可持续性 throughout his tenure at Penn State. 他的计划, including the Local Climate Action Program 和 the Sustainable Lab Ambassadors program, 强调他对环境和社区可持续发展的承诺. As the executive director of environmental 可持续性 for the 大学公园 Undergraduate Association (UPUA) 和 founder of the Student 可持续性 Network, Vitti has been instrumental in fostering a culture of 可持续性 among the student body. 

  • 雅各西勒, 建筑工程博士研究生, 一直站在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可持续发展倡导的最前沿. As co-chair of the Student 可持续性 Advisory Council 和 a key member of the Student 可持续性 Network, Seiler has played a critical role in advancing the university's 2035 carbon neutrality goal. His efforts in organizing the 可持续性 Summit 和 promoting 可持续性 across student governments are testament to his considerable leadership in the University's 可持续性 efforts. 

道格拉斯·古德斯坦, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可持续发展学院负责学生参与的副主任, 他对得奖者的奉献精神和影响力深表钦佩.

“这些优秀的学生体现了主动变革的精髓,”他说. “They're not merely planning for future contributions; they're deeply immersed in the here 和 now, passionately working to enrich our campus life 和 extend their influence into the broader community. 他们的行动和承诺给前线带来了生机勃勃的希望, 举例说明重要的, 他们注定要在世界上留下不朽的遗产. Witnessing their journey fills me with an immense sense of optimism 和 assurance that their endeavors today are just the precursor to the monumental changes they will spearhead in the years to come."

The 2024 可持续性 Awards highlight the comprehensive efforts across Penn State to advance 可持续性 in education, 研究, 操作, 社区参与. For inquiries or further information about Penn State's 可持续性 efforts, please visit 可持续性.事业单位.edu 或联系道格拉斯·古德斯坦 (电子邮件保护)
