Gambling participation continues to increase in 宾西法尼亚, researchers report


宾西法尼亚’s online gambling revenue in 2023 was more than $2.1 billion — a nearly 27% increase over the preceding year. 

来源:Erik McLean/

宾州大学公园. — Online and offline gambling has continued increasing rapidly in 宾西法尼亚 since its legalization in 2017, 根据最新的 宾西法尼亚 Interactive Gaming Assessment: Online Gambling Report 2023. 这份报告, which summarizes three years of survey data from more than 1,800 individuals from across the commonwealth, 是由推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜刑事司法研究中心 under contract with the 宾西法尼亚 Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP).

The researchers found online gambling participation increased to 16% in 2023 after holding steady at 11% in 2021 and 2022. Additionally, 宾西法尼亚’s online gambling revenue in 2023 was more than $2.1 billion — a nearly 27% increase over the preceding year. Its popularity places the state among the top three online gambling revenue-generators in the nation. 

The researchers also found that approximately half of 宾西法尼亚 online gamblers reported problems with gambling. 赌博频率增加, 小时, 格式数量, spending and motivation to relieve stress were all factors associated with gambling problems.

“As we see increased revenue and advertising for online gambling, this report serves as a way for the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 to understand the potential impacts on individuals, 家庭和社区,格伦·斯特纳说, assistant professor of criminal justice at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 该报告的主要作者和 社会科学研究所 共同资助教员. “We remain committed to monitoring problem gambling and other issues that may result from greater access to online gambling.”


  • Those that gamble both offline and online — called dual-mode — gambled once a week while offline-exclusive gamblers played two to three times per month. 
  • Dual-mode gamblers spent almost 1每个月赌博5个小时, while offline gamblers spent about 1.每个月赌博5个小时. 
  • 平均, gambling expenses per month were higher among dual-mode gamblers at $708 versus offline gamblers at $103. 
  • About one-quarter of dual-mode gamblers earned less than $50,每年000, and these individuals engaged in the highest number of gambling formats. 
  • The average age of dual-mode gamblers was 37 with the majority having earned a bachelor’s degree and being currently employed.
  • 体育博彩 was the most popular online gambling format. 

“Being aware of the current online gambling trends in 宾西法尼亚 will help DDAP in its mission to assess and address how gambling behaviors impact compulsive and problem gambling within the commonwealth,民主行动党秘书拉蒂卡·戴维斯-琼斯说. “It will also help us to spread awareness that treatment and resources, 比如1-800赌徒热线, 有人需要帮助吗.”

Since this evidence indicates that problematic gambling behaviors are seemingly highest among those who gamble online — whether exclusively or also offline — and among younger individuals, the researchers recommend that information regarding responsible gambling, prevention or treatment availability should be provided through multiple digital media formats such as social media and streaming services.  

Funding for this report was provided by the 宾西法尼亚 Gaming Control Board through 宾西法尼亚 Act 42 of 2017, utilizing revenues generated from interactive gaming licensees. 这份报告 will be shared with community partners, constituents on the state and county levels and treatment experts, 等. A webinar is being developed to assist in evaluating the survey results, and an online gaming dashboard is also in the works through the Penn State 刑事司法研究中心.

Other researchers who contributed to the report are Gillian E. H. Russell, assistant research professor, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校; Amanda M. 研究运营经理费拉拉 Penn State 社会科学研究所’s 调查研究中心; and Miranda P. Kaye, former director of the 调查研究中心.  
