
ABINGTON, Pa. — A Penn State Abington 这位教授在费城一所公立小学为教师们举办了专业发展课程,帮助他们改进对因俄乌战争而滞留在美国的乌克兰学生的教学. 

Roxanna Senyshyn, associate professor of applied linguistics and communication arts and sciences, 与费城东北部安妮弗兰克小学的老师一起工作, a group that includes students from Abington’s elementary and early childhood education major who are completing their student teaching requirement at the school.  

“我们在语言和数学内容学习方面提供公平,这对乌克兰孩子的成功至关重要, language arts, and social studies as well as social and emotional support,” Senyshyn, who was born and raised in Ukraine, said. 

去年春天,她8岁的侄女从乌克兰来到美国,通过这个故事,她把把英语作为第二语言教学的专业知识带到了生活中. 孩子在这里积极的学习经历成为专业发展课程的核心.  

Senyshyn承认,由于学生的经历不同,在课堂上容纳不同水平的英语学习者(ELL)是具有挑战性的, 他指出,自2022年初战争开始以来,一些流离失所的乌克兰儿童可能已经失学. 她建议为最熟练的学生开发课程,然后通过修改作业使所有人都能访问这些课程. 

“Some newcomers might have had some English in Ukraine, 但这仍然非常具有挑战性,因为他们不必整天使用这种语言, every day. They need time to respond and the more they hear English, the more they will begin to engage in the classroom,” she said. 


“With math, Europe is one level up from the United States, so my niece, for example, 有内容知识,她所需要的只是与数学相关的语言吗,” she said. 


“It turns out my niece was frustrated in school and overwhelmed, but she could not communicate it to her teacher,” she said, 注意到这个8岁的孩子花了大约8周的时间才适应了学术环境. 


  • 提供一个欢迎的态度和社会情感支持,保持积极,为学生提供指导和安全的空间,让他们在准备好时分享他们的故事.  

  • 通过将ELLs与对话伙伴配对来建立协作和参与, ideally a speaker of their home language. Teachers and counselors should work in tandem to support newcomers. 

  • 让ELLs用他们的母语教你和其他学生一些单词.  

  • 明确地向ELLs教授日常生活,使他们熟悉学校常见的课堂短语和地点. 

  • ELLs是否与其他学生进行小组合作,因为它不像大型小组互动那样需要那么多的信心. 

  • 通过视觉化和互动性,以及使用肢体语言和建模,使输入(ELLs听到和读到的)易于理解. 

  • Honor the “silent period.” Do not force ELLs to talk but make sure to include them in activities. 创伤可能会影响沉默期的长度,所以在期待回应之前,要给他们时间思考问题 

  • Use sentence frames to teach academic language (for example: I agree with....). 

  • Use bilingual assessments. 

  • 使用翻译应用或软件,经常用父母的母语与他们交流, if in English, using basic sentences. 

安妮·弗兰克学校的15名阿宾顿学生教师中有几名正在努力 ESL certification for education majors that Senyshyn coordinates. 

“ESL认证是对教育专业学生完成学位的额外认可. These students are a little better prepared to work with ELLs, and they are getting practical experience at Anne Frank,” she said. 

其他阿宾顿的实习教师已经报名参加了塞尼辛教授的一门课程,该课程为英语学习者提供了一个概述, providing them with background information and strategies to support ELLs. 

“我们希望在课堂之外支持阿宾顿的学生,当他们成为实习教师时, they have strategies to fall back on. It’s like being a doctor - no one does surgery right away. 学生们不应该感到孤独,因为他们有我们的支持。. 

About Penn State Abington

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 

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