
Abington engineering


Credit: Alyson Farkas

A member of the Penn State Abington 2021届毕业生在洛克希德·马丁公司获得了她的第一个专业职位, a global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technologies company.

Alyson Farkas, who earned a bachelor’s degree in 工程与多学科工程设计选项, 她说,她迫不及待地想要在6月7日开始在普鲁士国王的洛克希德公司担任系统工程师. 

“As a systems engineer, 您负责软件和硬件的不同方面的集成,并确保文档有意义. 我的学位会对我很有帮助,因为它结合了机械、电气和计算机工程. It prepared me to do this job. It’s all about knowing different aspects of engineering, and it gives you broader knowledge,” she said.

Farkas, the first in her family to graduate from college, 在半年一次的职业博览会上遇到洛克希德公司的代表后,他在洛克希德实习了两个夏天, organized by Abington’s Career and Professional Development

“我从实习中学到了很多,尤其是如何在现实世界中工作. My main takeaway was to never shy away from asking questions. 那里有很多聪明人,我学会了向他们讨教. I was cautious at my first internship, 但到了第二次,我想要了解和学习更多,” she said.

在阿宾顿,法卡斯是施赖尔荣誉学院的学者和校园的成员 Honors Program. 她的荣誉论文项目是应用人工智能训练机器人在模拟制造环境中进行零件检测. She was also the recipient of an engineering scholarship.

她在阿宾顿的经历始于她大一入学前的那个夏天 Engineering Ahead (EA) program. EA是为包括少数民族在内的代表性不足的学生提供的学术增强计划, women, first-generation, and those from low-income households.  

“Engineering Ahead helps transition you to college. 大学并不可怕,因为你已经有了这些关系. You focus on math, physics and chemistry,” she said. “它展示了在大学里是如何做事的,并打开了其他机会. 在我完成项目后,我成为了一名导师,辅导其他学生.”

Abington engineering Class of 2021

“你的教育是个性化的——你会了解教授, and you’re not just a number" at Penn State Abington, Alyson Farkas said.

Credit: Alyson Farkas

Through EA, Farkas met Ann Schmiedekamp, professor of physics, and Michael Kagan, associate professor of physics. 

“I took Dr. Kagan for every level of physics, and Dr. Schmiedekamp got me involved in ACURA (阿宾顿学院本科生研究活动),”法卡斯说. “从事本科研究工作为我提供了机会,因为我与指导我们的教师建立了关系.” 

Her team earned a blue ribbon for their ACURA project, “对银河系冷H1云的射电天文学调查”." 

Farkas, who tutored other students throughout her college career, 是阿宾顿工程俱乐部的主席和财务主管. 

“We did some really awesome projects. 它创造了一个协作的环境,我们谈论我们遇到的问题和疑问. It was a great support system,” she said.   


“我爱上了这个校园,我知道这就是适合我的地方. 阿宾顿有一种小型学校的感觉,但学校资源丰富,还有校友网络. I loved the engineering program, too. 你的教育是个性化的——你会认识教授, and you’re not just a number,” she said.

对于具有多学科工程设计选项的一般工程学位, 像法卡斯这样的学生在阿宾顿或推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜白兰地酒学院完成前两年的学习,然后在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大峡谷分校的创新中心完成他们的工程课程.

“The engineering program has a hands-on approach. You can learn all the theory you want, 但是实际操作的应用会让你的教育有一个完整的循环,无论是通过实验室, simulations or the design focus. You get to go through an entire life cycle,” she said. “Once I saw the lab at Great Valley, I fell in love. It was so much fun to use, and a great atmosphere, too. I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities.” 

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜工程学士学位的多学科工程设计(MDE)选项包含电气工程的高级课程, computer engineering, 和工程设计产生创新的工程师专门从事系统设计和集成. 

它代表了三个校区之间独特的区域伙伴关系, 学生在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校或推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜白兰地酒分校完成前两年的本科学习,并在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜创新中心完成他们的工程课程 Penn State Great Valley

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜谷分校的创新中心包括高科技教室, advising offices, a fully equipped circuits lab, robotics center, 以及配备最新工程技术的制造和设计设施. 这个最先进的设施为学生提供了使用专业工程设备和软件的实践经验, such as multiple 3D printers, machining centers, a laser engraver, and other shop tools. 

About Penn State Abington
Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With about 3,700 students, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校是一所住宿校园,提供23个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics, and more. 

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